As an athlete you have a race training plan. What’s your financial training plan?

As athletes, we know if we are ready for the big upcoming race. Either we are training - swimming/biking/running - or we are not. Most people keep a schedule to stay true to “time in the saddle”.

But how do you measure time in the saddle relative to a worthwhile financial goal? Now you can. With the JPStudinger Tri Financial Training Plan, you will record, measure and drive the critical components of an effective plan - for free.

In my years of experience working with clients and money, two primary factors that drive success are:



The percentage of “Good Assets” relative to net worth.


The percentage of income that buys good assets.

If these numbers are high, then you almost can’t help but become rich. And no matter what percent they are for you today, you can always strive to drive them up! You just have to know what “good assets” are and that’s where the training plan/guide comes in.

James Studinger Tri Financial Training Plan.

Use this free training plan to organize and track your finances. Just like you might use Garmin to track your workouts, now you can track and measure your financial goals. You control the assumptions for inflation and investment interest rates. The retirement timeline is an excellent resource to help project future retirement needs. This plan is a free tool that puts the onus on you. If you need specific help or guidance with a more comprehensive personalized plan (such as our JPSmoney service) or in managing your investments please give us a call. Good luck!


James Studinger Tri Financial Training Plan Guide.

This is your instruction manual, and one you really need to read. It's intuitive, fun and worth the read - trust me. You can watch the videos too, but don't get lazy with this, it's important. Take a few minutes to go through the document. You'll need to know the lingo and reasons behind the plan if you want to really succeed. Once you understand the core principles, managing money will be like tying your shoes, or riding a bike - you'll never forget how!


Download for free today.

Financial Training Plan - Free

Financial Training Plan - Free

Training Plan Guide - Free

Training Plan Guide - Free

Wealth Is a Choice Book - $19.95

Wealth Is a Choice Book - $19.95


How else can we help you?


Financial Planning

Asset Management

Speaking/Group Education